Thursday, April 29, 2010


I am a self-confessed, snobby, pretentious, unashamed beeracholic. I love beer to the point of microbrewerism. Bring me my microbrews in those expensive goblets and I am a well-satisfied and joyous man. There are few things I can think of as relaxing after any type of long day and as I venture deeper into beautiful, dark-hazeled tones of chocolate, mocha and espresso with hints of cherry here, velvety follow-throughs there and a teasing maltiness I find a wondrous world open to me.

1. Rochefort 10 - Complex with dark fruit flavors, some malti sweetness, spices and fruit tones, perfect beer.
2. Kasteel Cuvee du Chateau - Subtle cherry and oak flavors with sweet brown sugar.
3. Bruery's Two Turtle Doves - Chocolatey with a slight nutty, pecan flavor.
4. Ommegang Three Philosophers - Malty and Chocolate with hints of raspberry.
5. North Coast Rasputin XII

Allgash Curieux - A light beer for dark beer drinkers. Hints of coconut and vanilla.
Requiem Espresso Stout