Friday, September 26, 2008

Breaking Love

Hint of Autumn, breathing breathing,
golden glazed and moonlit crisp,
Oak and Rowan, sorrow sorrow,
leafy heads in reverence.

Wind holds breath in breathless silence,
grass weeps dew, shimmer shimmer,
starry tears in the heavens sing,
haunting song softly glimmers.

Heaven weeping freely freely,
echoed in the hollowed sky,
voices sing now, rising rising
'pon the soft of angels fly.

Melody of anguish blackened.
on wondering world cries cries.
nature's heartbeat thrumming steady,
hear wind-touched valleys sigh sigh.

Bathed in evening song will honor,
sorrow of a Kingly heart,
wind will breathe into wondering eyes,
hints of Autumn, worlds apart.

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