Thursday, March 19, 2009


Godliness is never about doing the right thing because you should, never about benefiting from the results of your actions.

That is our petty humanity finding excuses to hide from our own self-perception, boasting about our commitment to Christ’s ideals and values in an attempt to wallow in the Authority of His life and hide from the depths of our own ignorance and cowardice so that we can impose our own skewed values upon each other. We take advantage and feast upon the skin of God’s Truth to build ourselves higher in our own eyes, yet rarely do we dare to dig beneath the surface and understand the wisdom and compassion behind His actions, to see the true beauty of Jesus which lies in far more than what the naked eye perceives and the human mind understands.

If we dare to take upon the authority of Christ in our relationships with others, then it is our responsibility and privilege to break ourselves and taste of the passion and strength of His love. We cannot sacrifice understanding Compassion for the sake of supposed efficiency in sharing God’s Truth. Without it, without feeling the strength of God’s love fill us, transform us¸ and leave us breathless, no matter what words spill forth from our minds we are not sharing His truth, we are only sharing our own. And that is a greater travesty than whatever perceived injustice we are speaking out against because it is a betrayal and rejection of everything Jesus stands for. It is finding strength and comfort in our own logic, selfish joy in the accomplishment of our own Truth, and above all denying the very compassion and love that bled, that died upon the cross. Without loving each other and experiencing that love, we cannot love Christ but only our own righteousness. And godliness is not found in doing the right thing for the sake of righteousness or justice or accomplishment.

Godliness is found in doing the right thing because it makes your heart sing.

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